Feeling Like A Criminal: How Prosecution Kills Your Self-Esteem And Your Criminal Attorney Helps Restore It

When accused or suspected of a crime you did not commit, both police and attorneys for the prosecution can make you feel so awful that you begin to believe you really are guilty. This kind of psychological and emotional attack on your character is meant to wear you down and emit a confession from you. It is perfectly legal for them to do this to you, but it can make you feel horrible and cause low self-esteem. When you are innocent, you should not be made to feel this way. This is where a criminal attorney is so important to you and your case and can help in the following ways.

Stopping the Verbal Attacks and Harassment

Interrogation is meant to be intimidating and may even feel quite demeaning. However, you do not have to subject yourself to the interrogation techniques of the police. When you are brought in for questioning, you can stop the verbal attacks before they start simply by requesting a lawyer or requesting to speak to your criminal attorney. Police officers are required by law to stop the interrogation and allow you to speak to your lawyer.

Police harassment can continue during their investigation of the crime, especially if you are their prime suspect. The only way to get this behavior to stop is to ask your criminal attorney to file a harassment suit against the officers and the precinct that is handling the investigation. By doing so, the police now have to go through your lawyer before they can speak to you, knock on your door, or talk to your family members who live in the house with you.

You Remain Silent While Your Attorney Remains Loud

Your attorney is your mouthpiece. He or she does all the talking, yelling, questioning and defending your rights to be treated as a human being and not as meat to be attacked by wild dogs. If the prosecution or police has anything negative to say about you, it must be based on provable fact, which when disproved by your attorney, can make you feel much better about yourself and your case.

Once You Are Cleared of the Charges

Once you are proven innocent, your criminal attorney can pursue those who made you feel like less of a person. You can request to sue the police and anyone else who accused you openly and assaulted you both verbally and repeatedly prior to and during the course of your trial. Usually, you have to prove some form of libel or defamation of character, but if you lost a lot of what is most important to you during your interrogation and trial, then it may be easier to prove. If you also win your case against those who openly and falsely accused you of crimes for which you were later acquitted, you will undoubtedly feel a renewed self-esteem via legal vindication.

If you have been accused of a crime you didn't commit, contact an attorney from a firm like Kaiser Law Group to help you defend your rights and prove your innocence.
