Has Someone You Love Been In A Crash With A Semi-Truck? Contact A Truck Accident Lawyer

An accident involving a semi-truck and a vehicle almost always results in serious damage and injuries to the car and the people in it. Sometimes, the people involved are not in the condition to contact a lawyer, so the task gets put off until they are recovering. This can take a while and keep the injured parties from receiving the compensation they deserve. You may be emotionally distraught and worried about your loved one; however, it is important you contact a lawyer experienced in trucking accidents as soon as possible. Here are a few of the things your lawyer can do to make sure the proper amount of compensation is received.

Collect Evidence

As soon as you hire an attorney, he or she will go to the scene of the accident (or send an assistant to the scene). If it is done shortly after the accident, the evidence may still be on the road or in the truck. Over time, any debris and marks will be removed or washed away. When the accident had a truck involved, the weight of the truck and its contents, and the driver's records (detailing when and how far he or she had been driving just before the accident), will be taken into account. There are specific laws regarding how much a driver can drive in a truck before having to take a break. The sooner your lawyer gets all the documentation, the less likely it is that anything has been changed or forged to comply with these laws. In addition, your attorney can make sure the truck is weighed before anything is removed from it. The more your lawyer can find out about the accident, the better he or she can explain to the insurance company or a jury why you deserve to receive the amount of compensation you are asking for. 

Prepare Settlement Agreements

When your lawyer has all the facts of the accident and all the medical records detailing the injuries involved, he or she can propose a settlement agreement to the insurance companies. There may be more than one insurance company involved. The driver's insurance, the insurance company of the driver's employer, and perhaps the insurance company of any mechanic who worked on the truck recently. This is different than a normal car crash where only the drivers' insurance companies are involved.

Do not wait to hire a truck accident attorney until your loved one is recovered. The sooner you get things started, the sooner compensation can be received. This can alleviate any stress that may come about because of financial issues, and speed up his or her recovery.

Visit a website like http://www.gabrielsonlaw.com to learn more.
