How To Handle A Personal Injury Case If You Were Inebriated While Driving

When we hear about drunk drivers being involved in accidents, our first reaction tends to be that such a person needs to be held liable, and they should have the book thrown at them. However, as many people have found out, all it takes is one extra drink to be that driver. That's when the situation can get very complicated for you. When you're involved in a car accident while under the influence, you'll be facing a significant number of challenges. If you, a passenger, or the other driver was harmed as a result, the personal injury case could be a little complicated.

Hire a Lawyer ASAP

If you are inebriated during an accident, the odds are stacked against you. Even if the other driver bears most of the fault for the accident, you may have a hard time proving that you don't deserve a share of the blame. Lawyers who specialize in personal injury cases are experts in establishing the party that is at blame for an accident. In addition to this, they can help you to start preparing your case, so you are properly represented if the case goes to court.

Gather All the Evidence Available

In any personal injury case, you need to safeguard the evidence as quickly as possible to simplify matters later on. However, if you were inebriated when the accident occurred, the evidence you gather might be your only hope of winning a personal injury case.

Since you were inebriated during the accident, the insurance company can dispute your account of the events. Therefore, you'll need as much evidence as possible to corroborate your statements. Such evidence can include footage from surveillance cameras or dash cams, breathalyzer test results, etc. Your personal injury attorney can also help to safeguard this evidence for you.

Visit a Doctor ASAP

The information that will be provided by the doctor will be vital to your success in such a case. However, this information is more useful if it is acquired within a short time after the accident. When you delay in getting a medical examination, your injury claims can be disputed by the insurance company, and this can complicate the situation further.

It is important to remember that since you were inebriated, it may also be easy for the insurance company to claim that your injuries were sustained in some other way. A medical exam done quickly can help dispel some of this doubt.

Contact a personal injury lawyer today to learn more about your case options.
