Taking Steps Before Filing for Divorce

Are you getting your ducks in line preparing for a divorce? When you make the decision to get a divorce, there will be so many things that you'll need to confront. What can you do today to make things easier as you go through the divorce? How do you ensure that you don't make any mistakes during the negotiations? Here you'll find a few tips that can help you get through your divorce with the fewest possible regrets.

Hire a Divorce Attorney

No matter how civil things are between you and your soon-to-be ex, things are likely going to heat up when it comes time to divide the property, and if you have kids, the custody agreement can cause more tension than you ever thought possible.

Because of this, you need to have an attorney working with you as you navigate the complicated divorce system. Not only does the attorney understand all of the laws and how your state handles certain elements of the divorce, but he or she is not personally involved and will not suffer emotional distress as things get heated.

Take Notes Now

Now is the time to jot down all of the things that you're hoping to get out of the divorce. If you keep track of your thoughts as they cross your mind, you'll stress less about what you may have forgotten when the time comes to meet with the attorneys.

Your notes should include all sorts of things, including anything that could sway things in your direction like poor behavior on your spouse's behalf. Also, start building a list of all of the assets that you are aware of. This list will be used later to determine if your spouse has disclosed all of the assets that he or she may have that you don't know about—if you don't know about it, you can't make a claim on it.

Take Some Time

Before you file for divorce, take a moment to pause and make sure that this is what you want for your life. Once you open the door to divorce, things could go a few ways: your spouse could be resentful and things could become tense, your spouse may thank you and agree to everything peacefully, or the two of you may realize that it's worth giving it another shot. There may not be a need to rush if you're not in any danger.

Go to sites like http://gomezmaylaw.com/ to find a divorce lawyer who can help you.
