Basics Of Age Discrimination On The Job

While there is a lot of discussion about certain types of discrimination in terms of employment, one of the things that doesn't seem to get the same amount of attention is age discrimination. As a result, many workers who actually suffer from age discrimination don't realize it. Here are some things that you need to know about age discrimination and the potential need for an attorney to address your case.

Age Discrimination Can Be Subtle

One thing that many people fail to realize is that age discrimination can be very subtle. In fact, that's part of what can make it difficult to prove in some cases. Even simple statements such as telling you that you don't have the "energy for the culture" or that the company is building a "youthful environment" can be indications of age discrimination. You may even be told that you are not a good fit for a position because they want someone with a younger, trendier viewpoint instead.

Only Certain People Are Protected

There are legal protections available for those who suffer age discrimination but only in certain cases. Legally, it cannot be considered age discrimination unless you are at least forty years old in most cases.

Discrimination Isn't Limited To Hiring And Firing Decisions

Some people believe they can only experience age discrimination during the hiring process or as a factor in job termination. In fact, you can experience age discrimination in your day to day job activities related to your salary, promotion availability, selection for teams and opportunities, and more. Don't allow yourself to fall into the trap of believing that you can only be discriminated against during hiring or firing.

Not All Employers Are Bound By Anti-Discrimination Laws

Before you can determine if you can claim a discrimination case, you have to make sure that you are working for a company that is actually bound by the law. For example, most employers with fewer than 20 employees are not bound by discrimination laws.

In addition, federal, state, and local governments, as well as labor companies, also have the same exemption when it comes to discrimination, so you cannot file claims against these types of employers.

Working with an age discrimination attorney is the best way to find out if your situation is, in fact, a violation of the law. He or she will guide you and help you through the claim if it is necessary. Contact an age discrimination law attorney as soon as possible to ensure that you get the protection that you need.
