Talking About Your Auto Accident? Don'T Do It!

If you have been hurt in a car accident, what you do afterward can seriously affect your case. Even seemingly innocent comments can cause problems with your case so read on to find out more.

Seeking Support

It's understandable when accident victims reach out to loved ones for support after an auto accident. Talking can help victims deal with the trauma and move forward. However, speaking about the accident can have legal ramifications if the wrong thing is said in the right circumstances. Consider who you might speak to about the accident that can help you but that is sworn not to reveal what you say. That might mean a mental health counselor, your own insurance agent, or your personal injury attorney.

At the Scene

You could be confronted with this issue before you leave the accident scene. You must speak to certain important support people at the scene. Law enforcement will respond and question you about your injuries and what you think happened. While you should speak to both the police officer and medical workers about your injuries, it might not be a good idea to make statements to law enforcement about what you believe happened with the accident. You are in no position to give your opinion right after such an upsetting experience. Whatever you do, however, avoid speaking to the other driver or their passengers.

The Insurance Adjuster Calls

Many accident victims get into trouble when the adjuster calls. Speak to your own insurer by all means. However, be sure you know who is calling, and don't talk to the adjuster for the other driver's insurance company. They may say they are gathering information about the accident, but this recorded phone call may be fraught with chances to say the wrong thing. The phone call could cause you to accidentally say that you might have caused the accident. You might also say that you could have been speeding at the time of the accident. This can all be avoided by not speaking to the adjuster. Let your personal injury lawyer handle all communications about your case.

Online Support

You may use social media to help make yourself feel better about your injuries, wrecked car, and more. However, what you post on social media is not private if you are involved in a car accident case. Never speak about the accident on Facebook or the like and keep your case safe from issues.

To learn more about what you should not say to others about the accident, speak to your personal injury lawyer.
