Feeling Like A Criminal: How Prosecution Kills Your Self-Esteem And Your Criminal Attorney Helps Restore It

When accused or suspected of a crime you did not commit, both police and attorneys for the prosecution can make you feel so awful that you begin to believe you really are guilty. This kind of psychological and emotional attack on your character is meant to wear you down and emit a confession from you. It is perfectly legal for them to do this to you, but it can make you feel horrible and cause low self-esteem. [Read More]

3 Reasons You Need To Hire An Attorney For Your Divorce

When your spouse is becoming difficult to work with early on in the divorce proceedings, it is a sign that you should be hiring a divorce attorney to help you. They will be able to assist in the following 3 areas, making everything go as smoothly as possible: Dividing Your Assets Deciding how you and your spouse will be dividing assets can be very tricky. There are some aspects of the division of assets that is actually decided by your state laws, and are pretty straightforward. [Read More]

How Bankruptcy Can Help You Regain Your Financial Freedom

Being in debt can create several problems such as damaging your credit score and making it difficult to save money. In this type of situation, you need to consider filing for bankruptcy. By looking into this option, you can get a better understanding of how it can help you regain your financial freedom. Possible Discharge of Debt Each type of bankruptcy has its own benefits. Chapter 7 for example, allows you to discharge acceptable debt from different sources. [Read More]

What You Should Know About DUI Plea Deals

If you have been arrested for a driving under the influence (DUI) charge, you might get offered a plea deal. A plea deal often occurs if you agree to plead guilty, but then try to bargain with the courts to get a lesser sentence. Here is more information about DUI plea deals and whether or not they are a good option for you. Plea Deals Are Not Your Only Option [Read More]